Dear colleagues,
We hereby invite you to participate in the third International conference “DIGITAL SOCIETY AS CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL CONTEXT OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT”
The conference will be held on 12-14 February 2020 at STATE UNIVERSITY OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL STUDIES (Kolomna, Russia).
Conference purpose:
- the professionals studying the impact of the new cultural context (digital society) on the development of the human personality, the exchange of experience of resolving the related social, economic, educational problems
- the interdisciplinary study of the impact of the new cultural context (the expansion of digital and hybrid reality) on human development and the social, economic, educational challenges;
- the scientific clarification of the risks and opportunities for using digital technologies in the human development area;
- the scientific diplomacy, which is especially important, in the nowadays world.
- Conference sections:
- Digital society: philosophical and cultural aspects.
- Media technology and psychology of influence (persuasive technologies).
- Cognitive science and digital technologies.
- Digital technology in the service of society.
- Teaching and Learning in Digital World.
- Children and adolescents in a digital world.
- Digital socialization of personality.
- Health and digital technologies.
- Computer Games and Apps: Between good and evil.
- Artificial Intelligence: Approach to Singularity.
- Miscellaneous (other related areas of research).
Conference format will include keynote speeches, oral presentations, invited symposiums, work-shops. The attendees of the conference are welcome to propose a topic for invited symposiums, work-shops, etc. The proposal will be considered by the Scientific committee which will inform you on the possibility to hold the event within the framework of the Conference.
Working languages of the conference: English, Russian.
Forms of participation:
- In presentia with a talk.
- In presentia without a talk.
- In absentia (publication in the conference proceedings with subsequent dispatch).
Schedule and deadlines:
February 10, 2020 – on-line registration deadline. After this date a participant will only be able to register on the day of the Conference at the registration desk.
January 20, 2020– Deadline for submission of articles and notes for publication on the conference proceedings. You can email you article to: [email protected].
February 12, 2020 – Opening ceremony.
February 12-14, 2020 – work-shops, discussions, presentations, symposiums.
February 14-15, 2020 –excursions, cultural program, closing ceremony
The conference proceedings will be published and available on the first day of the Conference, listed in the Russian Scientific Citation Index and have an ISBN assigned.
In order to take part in the Conference, please submit a filled-in registration form. (Follow this link to access the form:
Manuscript formatting requirements:
- Volume: up to 5 pages;
- MS Word-1998-2010 *.doc file;
- Font: Times New Roman, size – 14 , interline spacing – single; Margins: 2,5 cm
- indent – 1 cm;
- Article title – bold capitals, align centre;
- next line – author(s) surname and initials, bold italics, align centre;
- next line – country, city, name of university (short), low case, align centre;
- contact information (email);
- this is followed by abstract ), in Russian and in English (up to 300 incl. whitespace characters), Font size – 12;
- KEY WORDS ), in Russian and in English (3 -8 words), Font size – 12;
- these are followed by the main text. Alignment – justified;
- do not include graphical objects;
- do not use office styles,
- do not use ‘Lists’ function and special options in the ‘Format – Paragraph - Line and Page Breaks’; do not use automatic hyphen;
- use only italics and bold for text emphasis. Do not use tracking or underlining;
- Citation guidelines: In-text references: the number of the publication listed in references in square brackets (example: [1]). No footnotes. Pages of the source cited are to be listed at all times (example [3. 17]);
- References (10 maximum) appear two lines after the main text. Font size – 12. Title: References . Works in References are to be listed alphabetically with continuing numbering.
V.P. Ivanova
Russia, Moscow, RUDN
Abstract: text, text, text.
Abstract: text, text, text.
Key words:
Text, text, text.
- Elkonin D.B., Dragunova T.V. Vozrastnye i individual’nye osobennosti mladših škol’nikov. М., 1967.
The editorial board of the Conference retains the right to deny the publication of the articles not matching the topic of the event. Only thoroughly edited and proof-read texts are accepted for publication. Texts are not edited. Grounds for manuscripts’ rejection are not given.
Organizing Committee:
- Zhanna K. Leonova – Rector of State University of Humanities and Social Studies
- Irina N. Holitova– Pro-Rector of State University of Humanities and Social Studies
- Regina V. Ershova – Chair of the Department of Psychology at State University of Humanities and Social Studies.
- Elena V. Omelchanko – Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology at State University of Humanities and Social Studies.
- Marina Y. Jelezniakova – Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology at State University of Humanities and Social Studies.
- Olga V. Salomatina – Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology at State University of Humanities and Social Studies.
- Larisa V. Orlova – Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology at State University of Humanities and Social Studies.
- Sergey V. Saveliev– Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at State University of Humanities and Social Studies.
- Anna O. Sinitzina – Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at State University of Humanities and Social Studies.
- Anna S. Kisseliova – Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at State University of Humanities and Social Studies.
- Natalia A. Akhrenova – Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Faculty at State University of Humanities and Social Studies.
Program Committee:
- Alexander Y. Voiskounsky – Leading Researcher of the Department of General Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University.
- Galina Soldatova – Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University.
- Vladimir V. Mironov – Corresponding Member of Russian Science Academy, Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University.
- Didier Courbet – Deputy Director of Research Institute of Information and Communication at Aix-Marseille University, France.
- Regina V. Ershova – Chair of the Department of Psychology at State University of Humanities and Social Studies.
- Maria I. Kiose – Doctor of Philology, Institute of Linguistics RAS.
- Andrey Y.Alekseev – Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University.
- Maria V.Falikman – Doctor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, High School of Economics.
- Tatiana E. Martsinkovskaya – Doctor of Psychology, Director of Vygotsky`s Institute of Psychology
- Anna A. Kostikova – PhD, Doctor of Psychology.
- Vladimir E. Lepskiy – Doctor of Psychology, Institute of Philosophy of Russian Science Academy.
Contact information:
Conference correspondence address: 140410, Moscow Region, Kolomna Zelyonaya 30, State University of Humanities and Social Studies (Office 312).
Phone: +7 916 7960128 Regina V. Ershova, Chair of the Department of Psychology, 8 (496) 610-15-57 – Department of Psychology
Conference site:
e-mail: [email protected]